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6 Advanced Excel Functions to Help You Shine in the Workplace!

Microsoft Excel has become one of the most popular pieces of software in the business world. And while Excel functions are meant to make inputting data simpler, some people are overwhelmed considering there are more than 400 functions! Fortunately, here are the top 6 advanced functions to help you shine in the workplace: IF(B3 >...

Duleep Pillai
July 16, 2014
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Great Information Graphic On Secure Communications With Healthcare

Six advance notifications for Microsoft security bulletins were released this week. Compared to 106 bulletins in 2013, six seems fewer but still enough to keep IT admins on their toes.

Just as everyone was preparing for a Fourth of July barbecue, Microsoft was busy on their end preparing for the release of advance notification for Patch Tuesday next week. Six security bulletins, two Critical, three Important, and one Moderate, were publicized. Compared to 106 bulletins in 2013, six seems fewer but still enough to keep IT...

Duleep Pillai
July 8, 2014
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Great Information Graphic On Secure Communications With Healthcare

The “Smartphone Anti-Theft Voluntary Commitment” is the CTIA and its member companies’ vision to help law enforcement resolve stolen phone problems

Smartphones and gadgets today cease to be just tools for communication. They evolved from luxury, to need, to something most people can’t live without. With the amount of information we store in them, what will happen if they get lost? Or perhaps stolen? The CTIA and its member companies have been working since last year...

Duleep Pillai
June 26, 2014
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Great Information Graphic On Secure Communications With Healthcare

Save Time and Headaches With These Office Keyboard Tips and Tricks

Does it seem like you spend more time than you should preparing documents in Office?  You are if you aren’t using these speedy keyboard shortcuts.   It may take you some time to get into the habit of using computer keys, instead of the mouse to complete tasks, but it will be worth your efforts in...

Duleep Pillai
June 17, 2014
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