Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

Web Filtering at the Workplace There are things to take into consideration while deciding if you want to incorporate web filters into your place of business or not. Installing web filters helps make sure that your employees are using the Internet strictly for business purposes and focusing on their jobs. The Internet can be dangerous...

Duleep Pillai
April 11, 2014
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Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

How Does Malware Impact Your Computer’s Performance?

Malware, a term used to describe malicious software, is designed to damage or disable computers. Malware includes viruses, spyware, adware, and various other types of harmful software. But what type of impact does malware have on your computer? Malware impacts your computer in the following ways: Disrupts operations. Steals sensitive information. Allows unauthorized access to...

Duleep Pillai
April 10, 2014
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Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

Urgent Notice: The Latest Security Flaw May Be Stealing Your Confidential Data!

On April 8th, 2014, Google and security firm Codenomicon released details about a security flaw in OpenSSL Web servers. The security flaw, also known as “heartbleed”, enables hackers to access websites and steal massive amounts of data from vulnerable versions of OpenSSL. Warning: Heartbleed Impacts Websites Potentially Used by Your Employees As a business owner,...

Duleep Pillai
April 9, 2014
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Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

The Concern for Email Security Continues to Grow

While email is extremely convenient for collaboration and communication, employees tend to use email folders as a personal storage center. When this happens, mass amounts of the organization’s sensitive information resides in an inbox. Does this sound secure to you? Ponemon Institute’s Study on The State of Email Encryption Ponemon Institute conducted a study to...

Duleep Pillai
April 9, 2014
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Where Are Your Employees Surfing While On The Clock?

Today Is “Zero Day Forever!” Microsoft Has Stopped Publishing Patches for XP

(April 8, 2014) — As of today Microsoft has stopped publishing Windows XP patches.  They’ve named today,  “Zero Day Forever.” Zero-day refers to vulnerabilities hackers use to attack your operating system. Microsoft will continue to provide anti-malware for Windows XP through July 14, 2015. However, as of today: Microsoft will technically stop supporting the Windows...

Duleep Pillai
April 8, 2014
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