CMMC Registered Practitioner In San Francisco Bay Area

Looking for expert assistance with your CMMC compliance planning? Our CEO, Duleep Pillai is now a Registered Practitioner (RP).

Veltec Networks CEO Is Fully Certified To Assist With Your CMMC Compliance

Looking for expert assistance with your CMMC compliance planning? Our CEO, Duleep Pillai is now a Registered Practitioner (RP).

Do you have expert assistance lined up for your CMMC compliance projects?

Right now, it may be hard to find. Given how new CMMC is, there aren’t many experts available to offer assistance. But that doesn’t mean you can put off your compliance assessment and remediation processes.

Allow us to help — Veltec Networks’ CEO Duleep Pillai is now fully certified as a Registered Practitioner (RP), positioning us as one of the few IT services companies currently capable of helping DoD contractors manage CMMC compliance.

CMMC Registered Practitioner In San FranciscoWhat Is A CMMC Registered Practitioner?

RPs are a critical resource for the CMMC compliance process. Duleep Pillai has been trained, tested, and vetted by the CMMC Accreditation Body in order to verify that he did not present any vulnerabilities which could be used against them by malicious third parties or foreign states. That makes him especially qualified to provide expert guidance, insight, and advice as our team helps you plan and implement CMMC compliance projects.

What Do These Certifications Mean To You?

The bottom line is that this certification puts Veltec Networks in a position to streamline and simplify CMMC compliance initiatives. As an RP, Duleep, in leading the Veltec Networks team, can guide companies like yours through the CMMC process from end to end.

Our team will assess your current compliance, manage the remediation process firsthand, and directly liaise on your behalf with a party that will handle the certification. After compliance is certified, Veltec Networks can deliver ongoing support to ensure their certification is maintained.

Why Is CMMC Different Than Other Compliance Systems?

In October 2020, the DoD released their Interim Final Rule, which set a deadline for NIST compliance and a timeline for CMMC compliance. These new compliance standards not only put DoD contractors on the clock, but also presented them with far more rigorous expectations than they’ve been subject to before.

Unlike other compliance systems, CMMC is not a set of guidelines that can be met through self-assessment; CMMC requires authorized assessment and certification. This means it will be more costly, both in terms of time and money, for DoD contractors like you. In many cases, it will require you to work with multiple parties in order to certify compliance. One third-party to assess, another to remediate, and another to certify.

Who Needs A CMMC Certification?

If you do business with the DPD, NASA, GSA, or another state/federal agency, you need to be prepared for the CMMC framework. Anyone operating in the DOD supply chain must become certified to showcase that they’re able to protect controlled unclassified information (CUI).

What Happens If You’re Not Compliant?

The penalty for CMMC compliance is simple — if you’re not compliant, you can’t be awarded defense contracts. There are no fines or conventional penalties. You’re just unable to operate in the DoD contracting space any longer.

While complying with these new requirements will undoubtedly require a further investment of time and money beyond your standard compliance efforts, it’s important to note the silver lining — compliance will likely reduce your competition. As it becomes more difficult to operate in the defense sector, smaller competitors will likely drop out. Becoming compliant with CMMC will require more resources, and not all current contractors will see the benefit of investing further, especially if they don’t have the capital to do so.

That makes the market less competitive for contractors that do make the effort to become compliant. And that’s not the only benefit — these new requirements aren’t arbitrary. Implementing them will have additional benefits as well, making your company more secure and of greater value to your clients.

The bottom line is that it’s much simpler to partner with Veltec Networks for your CMMC compliance instead of trying to handle it on your own — we can guide you through the entire process, and work with any necessary third parties on your behalf as we do.

Need Certified Assistance Reviewing CMMC Requirements?

Our team is available to help you analyze your current compliance with NIST 800-171, as well as identify what is required for CMMC certification. Doing so will make your business more secure, effective, and competitive in the market.

Becoming compliant with our expert assistance is easy:

  • Contact our team and book a meeting at a time that fits your schedule
  • Our team will assess your environment and IT tools to determine your current state and challenges
  • Our team will lay out the necessary steps for your company to meet NIST 800-171 and CMMC requirements

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