94% of Computer Security Breaches Go Completely Undetected – But Fortinet Firewalls Don’t Allow That to Happen! Veltec Networks Offers Fortinet Firewalls to Keep Your Network & Business IT Systems Secure At All Times!

In the past few years, cybercrime has evolved to become more sophisticated than ever before. In fact, many traditional security technologies haven’t been able to keep up; as a result, businesses often have trouble finding a reliable firewall to protect their network and business IT systems.

That’s where we come in: Veltec Networks offers Fortinet Firewalls to help you maintain security while combating emerging security threats. To learn more, or to schedule a no-obligation security assessment, give us a call at (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at info@veltecnetworks.com.

As your business grows, you’re creating and storing more data than ever before – and it’s fundamental to keep your data secure using a reliable firewall designed to prevent unauthorized access and malicious intent on the network.

Looking for the Best Firewall to Combat Malware & Viruses? Fortinet Firewalls Are Proven to Keep Your Network & Business IT Systems More Secure Than Any Other Firewall!

When you’re looking to secure your network and business IT systems, look no further than our team of IT experts! We offer Fortinet firewalls to help you achieve peace of mind while benefiting from a wide range of enterprise-grade features and capabilities.

So what makes Fortinet firewalls better than other firewalls? Well, here’s a few contributing factors:

  • Protection: The ability to integrate with other security features, such as web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spam, and intrusion prevention systems, ensures complete protection.
  • Speed: The ability to function approximately 3 times faster than other firewalls allows you to feel confident knowing threats will be detected and stopped immediately.
  • Privacy: The ability to work with VPN technology allows you to establish secure and private communications through a “virtual” connection over the Internet.
  • Control: The ability to control acceptable use policies enables you to limit browsing to certain websites, or prevent employees from visiting certain websites, in a simplified manner.

Looking for the best firewall to keep your business IT systems and network secure? Give us a call at (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at info@veltecnetworks.com. Veltec Networks is the leading IT support company for businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding areas.

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