Are You Looking for an IT Guy on Craigslist? Get Ready to Be Disappointed!

Computer broke? Need someone to install your router? I’m good with computers and can help you out for $20!

craigslist computer techEver seen an ad like this on Craigslist and thought, “Why not?” You’re not alone. Plenty of business owners go looking for a quick fix on Craigslist when IT problems arise in the office, and there’s no shortage of “experts” waiting for your call.

But be careful! Not only are you likely to get shoddy service from the Craigslist experts, but you could be opening your business to a horror-show of cybercrime!

Anyone you let into your computers is being given access to all your critical and private data. Think of everything you use your IT for – confidential emails from clients, financial and credit card data, records and lists that you use every day, and all the applications that make your business operations run. Now imagine how easy it would be for some stranger to take advantage of you while rooting around in your network.

It’s easy as pie to install some quiet malware that leaks data or hijacks your computers to start sending out spam. You may not even know you’ve been compromised! Cybercriminals are smart, and many take advantage of business owners looking to save a buck by hiring off Craigslist.

And if your business has to comply with regulations like HIPAA or PCI, you could be putting yourself at risk just by letting them on the computer at all!

You can’t take risks with your livelihood. Don’t cut corners by hiring some hack off Craigslist. Find an IT company with a reputation you can trust, and with a solid background of experience and reliability. The team at Veltec Networks are the go-to name in IT support in San Jose, and with our help, you’ll not only get support for any IT issues you face, but you’ll stop problems before they start in the first place.

Contact us at (408) 849-4441 or to schedule a complimentary consultation and find out how easy and affordable IT is with a company that’s upfront with you and by your side every step of the way.

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