Culture Of Cybersecurity

Have you considered what it takes to form a culture of cybersecurity at your company? For starters, remind others that October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and they need to reevaluate their cybersecurity skills.

Culture Of Cybersecurity

Key Points:

  • Consider what it takes to form a culture of cybersecurity.
  • Leaders and staff automatically recognize what to do next.
  • Adding these levels into your company’s DNA.
  • What can you do right now to build that culture?
  • Here’s how to weave it across your organization.

Have you considered what it takes to form a culture of cybersecurity at your company? For starters, remind others that October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and they need to reevaluate their cybersecurity skills.

Of course, examining the latest technology trends, news articles, and what government agencies have uncovered about cyber theft, ransomware, and malware infections. On a personal note, Duleep has a brief message about what you can do now in today’s video.

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What is a Culture of Cybersecurity?

The culture of cybersecurity is more than a belief in protecting the company or organization from a cyberattack. It is a mindset where each participant, leader, and staff, not only follows the protocols set in place but also refuses to step away from the process.

With every action, a leader or staff member takes, they naturally recognize what to do next. For instance, “I received an unsolicited email from an unknown source, and there’s a strange link inside. I can’t click that link. It could infect the network with malware.”

To have that level of instinctive behavior is only found in a workforce lifestyle where cybersecurity intertwines with daily company activities and vice versa. In summary, only a symbiotic relationship with the team, device, and cybersecurity creates that culture.

Adding These Levels Into Your Company’s DNA

To create any notable change within a company or organization, it must begin at the top. That’s where digital transformation sets the tone and directs the leadership. Like the three points of a pyramid, your company’s protection relies on three critical observation protection levels surrounding your organization.

  • Leadership Role – These individuals prioritize cybersecurity, reminding your team that cybersecurity is essential and a natural part of the company’s mission and values.
  • Group Role – To extend the message, cybersecurity issues and discussions get explored with employees in group settings, in-house or remotely, during staff meetings.
  • Individual Role – With continued emphasis on cybersecurity issues and concerns, each team member develops a sense of general awareness, which sharpens their skills.

When cybersecurity, cyberattacks, or cyber threat discussions remain at the forefront of each leader and employee’s mind, it’s easier for them to spot cybercriminal anomalies. And when they do, your business or organization has effortlessly created a culture of cybersecurity.

What Can You Do Right Now To Build That Culture?

Training and technology give you the know-how to safeguard your organization from cybercrimes. However, that alone is not a cybersecurity culture. Starting from the top, if you’re the organization’s business owner or decision maker, it begins with you.

For your teams, staff, and leadership to become a part of that culture, you must intentionally and continually begin the conversation about cybersecurity. As each individual hears more about potential threat topics from you, it becomes easier for them to adopt the culture.

With National Cybersecurity Awareness Month upon us, that is your perfect opportunity and jumping-off point to shift and begin building a culture of cybersecurity. Find a cybersecurity news piece, ask your staff to read it, and discuss it.

Need Help Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity?

You and your leadership team must begin with awareness as we and many businesses do every October for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. As you start your journey, build that cybersecurity culture into your company. Next, form your Leadership, Group, and Individual roles across your organization.

Finally, always talk to everyone in your company. Continually make them aware of cybersecurity issues, your company’s mission and values, and how it intertwines and weaves across every area of your organization.

Veltec Networks understands and embraces a culture of cybersecurity. With our experience, we will guide you along the way. For additional information, contact us today or call Toll Free at (855) 5-VELTEC to learn more about how we can help.

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