Is Your Bay Area Healthcare Computer Support Company Compliant With The New HIPAA Omnibus Rules?

Veltec Networks Is.

All health and medical professionals must meet the new HIPAA Omnibus Rules that went into effect last year.  But did you know that one often overlooked and critically important section of the new rules now includes your business associates?

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According to HIPAA, all business associates working with healthcare providers must meet the current HIPAA requirements. This includes your outsourced IT provider.

  • Does your current IT provider comply with the HIPAA Guidelines?
  • Have they included HIPAA compliance in their service contract for your medical practice?

If not, it’s time to call Veltec Networks.

Veltec Networks has met all the requirements for the new HIPAA Omnibus Rules.  We received the Health Information Technology (HIT) Certification by 4MedApproved. Veltec Networks is one of only a few IT providers in the San Francisco area that has this certification.

With Veltec Networks you can rest assured knowing that all your patient information is safe, secure and protected by our HIPAA-Compliant IT Company.

Ask your current IT provider the following questions. If they can’t prove that they meet these requirements, call us right away.

  1. Have you been independently audited against the Office of Civil Rights’ HIPAA Audit Protocol?
  2. Do the IT services you provide meet HIPAA-compliant security standards for securing protected health information?
  3. Do you have documented policies and procedures?
  4. Are your employees trained?
  5. Do you have a thorough BAA (Business Associates Agreement) with documented and communicated policies?

Ensure that your IT provider can provide sufficient answers to these questions and protect your patient data against a HIPAA violation. Don’t take chances with your patients’ private information, or risk hefty fines and penalties.

For more information, or to schedule a no-obligation, complimentary Healthcare IT Assessment, call Veltec Networks at (408) 849-4441 or email us at  

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