IT Consulting In Fremont, CA (Questions/Answers)

What questions should you ask when interviewing IT consultants in Fremont, CA. Veltec Networks answers your tough questions. Discover more here.

What do You Need to Know About the Benefits of IT Consulting In Fremont?

As part of the growing community around San Jose, IT consulting in Fremont is expanding exponentially. With a thriving business community, Fremont and its businesses are often at the forefront of digital transformation. However, just being near San Jose doesn’t ensure that your business will be successful, as you’ll also need to operate efficiently and use smart strategies to keep your business growing. One strategy to use to move your company closer to a digitized entity is by outsourcing your IT consulting in Fremont.

In doing so, you’ll be joining hundreds of thousands of businesses around the globe who are using this approach to keep their business flexible and agile in the face of changing marketing conditions, spending $462 billion last year alone in the United States. Worldwide, IT consulting saw an average of 3.1% growth every year for the past five years. By outsourcing your IT, you’ll be able to focus on what you do best-run your business. Here’s a quick look at a few of the many benefits of using IT consulting in Fremont.

IT Consulting Fremont, CA

What do You Need to Know About the Benefits of IT Consulting In Fremont?

1. Gain a Team of Experienced Professionals

Especially when you’re a small business or need to operate on tight margins, it can be really difficult to have an IT team that covers all of your needs. You could hire a single generalist, who is good at most of what you need but isn’t specifically amazing in particular areas. This can mean that you end up with issues when they try to create a work-around for an issue they don’t fully comprehend, resulting in damage to your digital infrastructure. On other occasions, the problem may go untreated, leading to serious problems with functionality, performance, and security.

When working with IT consulting, you’ll receive the benefit of its full knowledge and experience. Because managed service providers (MSPs) can often employ dozens of experts in different areas of technology, you’ll be able to receive the benefit of that specific expert when you need it without having to pay their salary the rest of the time. This can include areas such as artificial intelligence, analytics, Internet of Things, cloud security, network architecture, workflow automation, and any number of other areas. With this level of expertise available when you need it, you can rest assured that your business is getting the best, most up-to-date and most effective digital solutions available without worrying about paying their time while they’re in training.

2. Enjoy Superior Cybersecurity

Though it used to be that cybersecurity was the purview of large companies, 68% of businesses think that their risk of cyberattacks is increasing, with 62% of businesses being the victim of phishing or social engineering attacks. Because there’s such a large number of companies in the San Jose area, is it any wonder the area is so hard-hit for cybercrime? When you work with IT consulting in Fremont, you gain superior protection against these attacks.

MSPs have the experience to help you develop a multi-layered security strategy to improve your protection and lower risk. They’ll help you find the right solutions including anti-malware and anti-virus software, remote monitoring and management, appropriate firewall permissions, and much more. If your company has moved to work remotely, your IT consulting firm can ensure you have appropriate remote access and virtual private networks to keep your data secure without making it hard to access for your employees.

3. Receive a Simple Monthly Expense

IT is known for its many unexpected expenses, from having to replace the software you just spent thousands of dollars on which isn’t working to the sudden response needed when you’ve had a disaster that has lost some of your data. In addition, there’s the cost of training, the expense of new hardware, and any number of other expenses. However, when you’re working with an MSP, you just have a simple, regular monthly fee that you pay to the MSP to handle all of these issues for you.

MSPs deliver numerous benefits that allow this figure to usually be lower than what you would otherwise pay. Instead of making a big payment on software, your MSP may be able to provide it as a service with a monthly fee for access. If a technician leaves, the MSP is responsible for on-boarding, training, benefits, and other expenses for the new individual. At a simple call or email, you can have access to an entire group of experts rather than a single generalist.

4. Gap Coverage

Even if you have your own IT department, sometimes you need extra help. This is a great place for an MSP. to provide additional help desk support during the deployment of a new software package for your business or to simply handle the more mundane daily tasks, such as dealing with help desk tickets and user training, so that your IT department can keep moving ahead on your overall digital transformation strategy or higher-level management of your digital assets.

If you have a big conference coming up for your IT department, if you’re launching a new digital product or app and are anticipating more help desk calls than usual, if you’re moving your office and need to make sure the network is set up properly on the other end, an outsourced IT team can go a long way to taking the strain off of your IT department without the hassle of hiring, training and onboarding new people.

If you need help finding the right solutions for your company’s digital needs, IT consulting in Fremont may be an excellent option to consider. At Veltec Networks, we’re dedicated to providing our clients with a more proactive, responsive IT experience by listening closely to their needs and responding with best practices. Please feel free to reach out to talk with one of our consultants about finding the right solutions for your company’s digital needs.

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