Businesses of All Sizes, and in All Industries Should Undergo Regular Managed IT Audits

Today’s IT environment is rife with threats of data breaches, cyber theft, and destructive computer viruses. And without IT experts onsite 24/7, businesses are at risk of being attacked.

Smart business owners know that threats abound:

  • Email-based viruses can get through their employees’ unprotected mailboxes
  • Computer viruses, worms and malware can infiltrate outbound port/protocol access, backdoors, and “command and control”
  • Trojan virus applications and phishing schemes attack businesses on a daily basis.

These plus “insider” threats can destroy a business when employees:

  • Use business computers to play games, shop, go to porn sites, and access Facebook,
  • Drain bandwidth with these and other non-business activities that slow down critical business applications
  • Download pirated software
  • Steal proprietary business data

Installed security software and firewalls aren’t enough to protect against these threats; nor are security and employee policies. This is why more business owners and executives are hiring Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to conduct regular Managed IT Audits.

What is a Managed IT Audit?

A Managed IT Audit uses advanced scanning and reporting to ensure a business’s IT assets are safeguarded against these and other threats.  It identifies vulnerabilities and compliance issues found on IT networks and computing devices.  This can include assessments of computers, servers, mainframes, network routers, switches, and more, and can include an inspection of the physical security of data centers as well.

How It Works

Regular Managed IT Audits are a proactive approach to security that can ensure you are doing all you can to protect your IT assets.  Software tools are used to monitor and report vulnerabilities in files and settings on your IT system.  They produce comprehensive customized reports to uncover security risks that can put your business in jeopardy and cause IT downtimes.  These tools offer routine checkups with managed security services to give you the peace of mind that your data and IT infrastructure is always secure.

Managed IT Audits keep you one step ahead of hackers and cybercriminals with a comprehensive way to continually assess and report on not only vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, but possible compliance-related issues that can keep you from meeting regulatory requirements.

Managed IT Audits:

  • Scan your entire network without shutting it down or creating disruptions to your work.
  • Capture information about configuration violations that can leave your network vulnerable.
  • Provide detailed reports with risk scores, prioritize issues, and provide ways to correct them.

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The Cost Benefits

Security vulnerabilities can cripple your business, and ruin your reputation.  A Managed IT Audit is much less expensive than losing clients because your data was stolen or corrupted.

Data breaches can occur due to these vulnerabilities, and in some cases result in regulatory infractions and hefty fines, especially for business in finance, law and healthcare.  By identifying risks with an audit, you’ll prevent ever having to pay a fine.

The Complete Solution

Veltec Networks provides Managed IT Audits that guarantee the continuing monitoring of your IT infrastructure.  We use state-of-the-art scanning tools from RapidFire to produce:

  • Security Risk Reports—An executive-level report that provides a Security Risk Score along with summary charts, graphs and an explanation of the risks found in security scans.
  • Security Policy Assessment Reports—A detailed review of the security policies in place on both a domain-wide and local machine basis.
  • Shared Permission Reports—Comprehensive lists of all network “shares” by computer, detailing which users and groups have access to which devices and files, and what level of access they have.
  • User Permissions Reports—That organizes permissions by user, showing all shared computers and files they have access to.
  • Internal Vulnerabilities Reports—Highlights deviation from industry standards compared to outbound port and protocol accessibility, lists available wireless networks as part of a wireless security survey, and provides information on Internet content accessibility.
  • External Vulnerabilities Full Detail Report—A comprehensive output including security holes, warnings, and informational items. This is an essential item for many standard security compliance reports.

For an every-day description about what this means, and for more information about a Managed IT Audit for businesses in San Jose and the Bay area, call Veltec Networks at (408) 849-4441 or visit us on the web at:

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