The Importance of Mobile Phone Security In Corporate America

Life without mobile phones in the current corporate world is next to impossible. It is like everyone is storing their lives inside tiny devices.

The Importance of Mobile Phone Security In Corporate America

Mobile devices are now part and parcel of everyday daily activities. Before smartphones became the norm, very few business owners looked for mobile security to stay safe. Today, cybersecurity concerns affecting corporates have increased dramatically, with mobile security chief among them. However, many businesses don’t see it as part of the security concerns they need to address.

Here are some stats showing reluctance on this matter:

  • A survey done on 13000 global remote workers shows about 39% use their smartphones to access company information for work. Also, 35% of the population lacks basic security measures such as password protection on their devices.
  • About 45% of businesses report traveling with their company devices containing data on business trips where they engage in various risky security behaviors like connecting to public WIFI.
  • Mobile malware targeting mobile people is increasing by the day. A study by Verizon’s Mobile Security shows that about 60% of respondents consider mobile devices the biggest security risk in their organizations.

With the increased threat of mobile security, it would be best for organizations to implement safer practices to eliminate data theft cases through smartphones.

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Understanding Mobile Security and its Importance

Life without mobile phones in the current corporate world is next to impossible. It is like everyone is storing their lives inside tiny devices. This makes it a prime target for hackers who may want to look into your social media accounts, photos, bank accounts, and private messages without permission. Fortunately, there are various preventive actions to take against such threats.

Hackers are extremely good at what they do. They can hack into any mobile device with no protection, such as passcodes or without encryption. The two major threats that your phone can put you through are:

Hackers Behind Apps

To use a mobile device, you will need to get apps from the Google game store or app stores, depending on your OS. Most of these apps are legitimate and tested for malware before allowing users to download them. However, there are also apps on the web that people use but are not secure. To prevent any issue with them, it would be best to consistently update your phone software to make it safer to use your device.

Dangers of the Web

Threats from the web are always present, especially now that most people are working from home. Almost every employee will want to use the web at some point to get clarification about a project or connect with others. However, websites download malware onto your device without your knowledge, or sometimes it is automatic.

Another popular way attackers use on the web is phishing. They use this attack to steal sensitive information such as usernames and passwords to your social media accounts, bank accounts, etc., for fraudulent reasons. The best way to eliminate such occurrences is by installing reliable security software on your phone that will detect and defend anything or anyone trying to steal valuable information.

Protecting your devices can be overwhelming because of the numerous threats out there. You can find comfort in knowing the tactics that can help you evade attackers and safeguard your phone from threats that may come your way.

Start Protecting Your Business with Mobile Security

Savvy business owners design security policies to ensure their company data is safe. The first step is establishing a device policy where employees will follow the latter to maximize security. Use approved applications and software for all devices that have access to company data.

At Veltec Networks, we help you have peace of mind when operating online. Our trusted cybersecurity team will keep clear customer records, computer network, accounting data, and email secure from hackers. Contact us today to get started.

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