Could Your San Francisco Bay Area Nonprofit Use A FREE Year Of IT Support?

Veltec Networks is giving away one year of free IT support to a lucky nonprofit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area. Enter your nonprofit now.

Veltec Networks is giving a local nonprofit a free year of IT support this Thanksgiving!

Find the link to enter and more info below.

The nonprofit industry is not an easy one to operate in. After all, you have an admirable mission, and likely not all the resources you need to execute it.

Your team may be mostly volunteer-based. Your budget is likely made up of grants and donations. The hours are long and the progress made is often minimal.

But you keep at it – and the Veltec Networks team admires you for it. That’s why we’re holding a contest meant just for you…

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Veltec Networks Thanksgiving Nonprofit Contest

At Veltec Networks, we are a big supporter of nonprofits and we wanted to show our support in a big way this year.

On Thanksgiving Day (November 28, 2019) we will be awarding one nonprofit in the Silicon Valley with Free Technology Support for their organization for one full year.


The contest entry period will run from August 1, 2019, until November 27, 2019. Our team of judges will select the winner based on the online entries that we receive.

The winner will be announced LIVE on Facebook on Thanksgiving Day!

Beyond Free IT Support… What’s The Best Strategy For Non-Profit IT?

It comes down to one simple idea: bang for your buck.

When you don’t have any extra dollars to spend on additional features, surplus services, or other things enjoyed by for-profits, then you have to make every single penny count.

Fortunately, modern models of IT services, and the technologies delivered therein, offer an economy of scale. Put simply? Instead of having to pay outright to purchase and own something, you pay a fraction of the cost on a regular basis for full access to it when you need it.

It’s all about capital expenditures (CapEx) vs. operating expenditures (OpEx). Whereas with CapEx you pay everything upfront and see the costs returned to you over time (which certainly comes with benefits for those that can afford it), OpEx allows you to simply pay as you go.

It’s this model that will get you the best results per dollar spent.

3 Reasons To Invest In Better Non-Profit IT Services

  1. Protect You Donors: You know it, we know it – there’s no point beating around the bush. Everyone is aware that a data breach is always a possibility. But when it comes to non-profits, those at risk are the ones that actually donated their money to a worthy cause. The last thing you want to do is put them at risk. That’s why you need to make sure you’ve invested in IT services that will keep your data (including the financial and personal information of your donors) secure.
  2. Get More Value Out of Your Greatest Investment of All: More so than perhaps any other industry, a non-profit’s most valuable resource is its people, and the time they have to offer. It’d be a luxury to be able to pay everyone what they’re owed, let alone at all, and so many non-profits rely on selfless volunteers to ensure work gets done.
    What happens when those volunteers can’t actually get any work done because the computer they need isn’t responding fast enough, or at all? By investing in IT services that keep your downtime to a minimum and your software optimized, you’re ensuring that each minute the staff spends using computers for work isn’t brought to a snail’s pace unnecessarily. This, in turn, nets you an ideal return on the number of working hours you can get your staff and volunteers to commit to.
  3. Support For The Software You Actually Use: Just as your choice of IT services should account for how your employees and volunteers use technology, it should also account for the specific software solutions you rely on.
    You probably use software like QuickBooks or Peachtree for accounting and Raiser’s Edge or something similar for tracking donations and managing your fundraising relationships. Make sure you find a partner in IT services that can provide specific support for those solutions.

Why Are Managed IT Services The Most Cost-Effective Option?

Members of the nonprofit world have much more important things to spend money on, rather than internal IT staff, expensive training and education, and capital expenses like server farms and data centers. IT services provide an economy of scale that will not be beaten by any other model, simple as that.

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