October’s Featured Training: The ABCs Of Cyber Security

October Is Cyber Security Awareness Month
Tune In At Any Time To Watch Our 15 Minute On-Demand Training

Cyber Criminals Have A 6 Month Head Start.

Is Your Business Protected?

Find Out.

Tune Into Our October Free Online Training By Clicking Here.

Cyber Security Training

Every 39 seconds, a hacker is attacking someone. 

Are you next on the list?

You can’t afford to miss October’s free online training.  Why?

Veltec Networks takes cybersecurity seriously. This is why we have put together this free online training for everyone.  During this online training, our cybersecurity trainers will share how your business can defend itself from becoming another statistic.

During this 15-minute on-demand training we’ll show you many quick and very important tips you and your team must know in order to protect your business from cyber threats and how employees can keep all your confidential and critical information secure.

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