Our Expert IT Services Will Help You Get “CAVU!”

As a professional in the aviation industry you rely on computers, networks, and technology to track the locations of planes and jets either on the ground or in the air.  It’s essential that you have an accurate accounting at all times to provide total safety for passengers and pilots. There are many technologies that benefit…

IT Services Aviation IndustryAs a professional in the aviation industry you rely on computers, networks, and technology to track the locations of planes and jets either on the ground or in the air.  It’s essential that you have an accurate accounting at all times to provide total safety for passengers and pilots.

There are many technologies that benefit companies like yours in the aviation industry or those who supply services to them.  Veltec Networks understands what you need in order to profit while meeting stringent regulatory requirements.

Aviation companies need reliable communications, email systems and Internet technologies. Veltec Networks can provide all this and more by providing:

  • A single resource for all your IT needs;
  • A vast network of the best available services through our partnerships in the IT community;
  • Expertise in IT systems that can improve your productivity and profitability;
  • A laser-sharp focus on security from all threats;
  • Protection of your company information and reputation through business continuity, data backup and disaster recovery services; and
  • A team of the best San Jose IT professionals focused on your business goals.

Need the best IT services available for aviation companies today?  Contact Veltec Networks today and book a no-obligation review of your IT systems. Call (408) 849-4441 or email us at info@veltecnetworks.com.

For those not in the aviation industry, CAVU means “Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited”.

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