Is Your Business In The SF Bay Area Flying Blind When It Comes To Cybersecurity?

Do you have a managed anti-virus and SPAM service? How about encryption for your emails? And what about mobile device management (MDM)?

Endpoint Detection & Response Services (3 Critical Reasons / 3 Cybersecurity Essentials)

Not seeing the beginning of an IT attack chain can allow malicious viruses to infiltrate and hide in your network for a long time. Plus, did you know that one in five IT managers didn’t know how an attacker got in, even after discovering the threat? With Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) Services, they would.

Not seeing the beginning of an IT attack chain can allow malicious viruses to infiltrate and hide in your network for a long time. Plus, did you know that one in five IT managers didn’t know how an attacker got in, even after discovering the threat? With Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) Services, they would.

Here are 3 critical reasons why you need EDR Services…

  1. It takes most businesses up to 6 months to find out that they’ve experienced a data breach. This gives threat actors plenty of time to conduct surveillance, steal data and spy on them–pushing up the cost of cyber attacks.
  2. If your IT professionals are making IT security decisions without having all of the facts, they can’t eradicate threats and close security gaps.
  3. To investigate a cybersecurity incident takes time – 48 days each year on average. And typically only 15 percent turn out to be malware infections. This means that your IT professionals are wasting lots of time on non-issues.

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Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Services Locate Security Threats & Eradicate Them Immediately

Just installing EDR software isn’t enough. Why? Most who invest in these off-the-shelf cybersecurity tools don’t get the full benefit from them. Having an IT Service Provider who understands what tools to use and how to use them properly for your unique situation is essential.

EDR Services will keep you from being one of those businesses that take half a year to realize that they’ve been hacked by detecting and eliminating threats as they happen. Especially if you currently rely on a free or basic antivirus solution, which can be easily circumvented.

Whether it’s malware, a virus, or another threat, the right Endpoint Detection & Response Service will spot threats as they happen, and keep them from causing damage.

But that’s just the beginning…

What Are The 3 Other Areas Of Cybersecurity That You Need To Verify?

As crucial as cybersecurity is, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow this checklist to ensure you have all your bases covered:

Do you have the necessary range of cybersecurity services?

Do you have a managed anti-virus and SPAM service? How about encryption for your emails? And what about mobile device management (MDM)? Have you invested in a multi-factor authentication solution? By having your IT service company provide these and other cybersecurity services, you can eliminate the vast majority of common IT threats.

Does your staff follow cybersecurity best practices?

The next step is to make sure your staff is contributing to your cybersecurity, not hurting it. Especially when it comes to their email practices. Cybercriminals often use phishing emails as a way to transmit viruses, ransomware, and other malicious software. Give your staff the following list and have them walk through it when they’re unsure about an email:

    • Do I know the sender of this email?
    • Does it make sense that it was sent to me?
    • Can I verify that the attached link or PDF is safe?
    • Does the email threaten to close my accounts or cancel my cards if I don’t provide information?
    • Is this email really from someone I trust or does it just look like someone I trust? What can I do to verify?
    • Does anything seem “off” about this email, its contents or sender? 

Even better, you can also invest in Security Awareness Training for your staff to keep them up to date with the latest cybercrime trends and help them recognize and avoid threats. Be sure to include this as an active part of your overall cybersecurity plan.

Do you have an effective Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan in place?

While these other two points are preventative, in this case, you’re ensuring you have a viable response to when something breaks through your cybersecurity barriers. In the event that your data is stolen, compromised or encrypted, and held for ransom, a recent and regular offsite cloud-based backup will keep you protected.

As vital as each one of these is for your cybersecurity, there’s still the problem of making sure they are all done on a regular basis. That’s where a trusted IT Service Provider can be so helpful.

By having an expert team of IT security professionals implement an Endpoint Detection & Response Service, help you follow cybersecurity best practices, train your staff, and more, you can ensure that your technology is secure, and you won’t be flying blind.

To learn more about the benefits of Endpoint Detection & Response Services, contact Veltec Networks in San Jose CA for a complimentary IT consultation.

In the meantime, stay up-to-date on significant developments in IT. Visit our Blog. Here are a few articles to get you started:

Report: Financial Firms Seeing Alarming 480% Increase In Data Breaches

Warning: Foreign Hackers Compromised Citrix Systems

The Ultimate Small Business Owner’s Guide To Ransomware


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