Technology Error Cost An NFL Team A Great Linebacker

The Baltmore Ravens’ gain is the Broncos’ loss. The Baltimore Ravens signed free-agent pass rusher Elvis Dumervil who left the Denver Broncos. The only reason Dumervil was a free agent was because of technology glitch on the part of the Broncos. Dumervil was on the market because of a mishandling of his contract in Denver….

Fax Machine FailureThe Baltmore Ravens’ gain is the Broncos’ loss. The Baltimore Ravens signed free-agent pass rusher Elvis Dumervil who left the Denver Broncos. The only reason Dumervil was a free agent was because of technology glitch on the part of the Broncos.

Dumervil was on the market because of a mishandling of his contract in Denver. He would have taken a pay cut, but due to a slow fax machine — still used in the NFL — no agreement was reached and Dumervil was free to hit the market.  It was then that the Ravens snatched him up!

The Ravens snagged a big-time player to improve their defense because of a simply technology error, and Dumervil is now a member of the team that knocked the Broncos out of the playoffs!  However, Denver may have gotten even during the first week of the 2013 NFL season.

Time will tell.

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