Why Do Small Associations Lag Prioritizing Technology?

Small organizations thrive when they can maximum non-due revenue. Veltec Networks helps you maximize revenue generation and reduce costs through our technology consulting services.  

Small Associations Need Technology to Survive and Grow

Small organizations thrive when they can maximum non-due revenue. Veltec Networks helps you maximize revenue generation and reduce costs through our technology consulting services.  

Small associations don’t prioritize technology due to budget constraints and the need to increase revenues. Although most small associations say they are unable to meet member needs, upgrading or implementing new technology seems like a faraway dream.

Why Isn’t Technology for Small Associations Prioritized?

At small associations, most of the time and effort is spent on increasing non-dues revenue, with membership drives running a close second. A survey commissioned by Community Brands shows that most small associations bring in under $1 million in revenue each year. Half comes from dues and about a third comes from non-dues money earned through sponsors, events and event exhibitors.

The early 2019 survey garnered 350 replies from association professionals, with respondents in leadership positions at their organizations. Most had a staff of fewer than 10 workers.

Most of the survey respondents didn’t think that technology solutions were in reach — even though technological innovations could dramatically increase revenue.

How Can Technology for Small Associations Increase Non-Dues Revenue?

Associations often limit their technology spend to event-related tools. Untapped opportunities for small associations would help them gain efficiencies and increase revenue. Here are a few areas that could be dramatically improved for a small price tag:

  • Job boards
  • Ecommerce
  • Webinars to generate non-dues revenue

Less than half of respondents felt ready for current and future needs or planned to adopt new technology as a priority.

Small associations can bring their lagging technology up to date by working with an IT managed service provider. A predetermined monthly fee makes it easy to budget changes and there’s an immediate return on investment in any technology that lets your organization generate leads and reach more members and donors.

Why You Should Turn to Veltec Networks for Your Technology Solutions?

Veltech Networks helps you maximize your non-due revenue through our technology consulting services. Here are some of the benefits of partnering with us to improve technology for your organization:

  • Get the expertise required to increase the ROI of your technology investments.
  • Align your IT design for the unique needs of your business, including revenue generation.
  • Your staff can focus on business-related task not IT glitches.
  • Automate key functions to reduce staffing requirements for administrative tasks.
  • Stay compliant with HIPAA IT Consulting services.

Have You Heard About Veltec Networks’ Thanksgiving Contest?

At Veltec Networks, we support nonprofits and want to put our skills to work for one lucky winner.

When: Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2019

What: We will be award one Silicon Valley Non-Profit Free Technology Support for one year.

How: Enter to Win here!

Be sure to enter between August 1 and November 27, 2019. Our judges will select an organization based on online entries. The winner will be revealed on Facebook! Stay tuned for more details and enter today. Feel free to share this with other non-profit organizations in the Silicon Valley area to support those who give back to the community.

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