“This Is Your Wake-Up Call.”

Last week the U.S. government charged five Chinese military officials with spying on U.S. companies in order to steal vital trade secrets. The Chinese cyber thieves targeted some of the largest American makers of nuclear and solar technology, stealing confidential business information, sensitive trade secrets, and internal communications.  The Justice Department said this should be a…

US CybercrimeLast week the U.S. government charged five Chinese military officials with spying on U.S. companies in order to steal vital trade secrets.

The Chinese cyber thieves targeted some of the largest American makers of nuclear and solar technology, stealing confidential business information, sensitive trade secrets, and internal communications.  The Justice Department said this should be a national “wake-up call” about cyber intrusions.

Cyber criminals don’t often target large companies because their security protection is difficult to crack.  They tend to go after small businesses without the essential security solutions in place because they’re an easy mark.

Today’s sophisticated cyber attacks require a comprehensive, tiered, Managed Solution to Security.  One that includes managed:

  • 24/7 Network Monitoring
  • Web Filtering
  • Anti-Spam
  • Anti-Virus
  • Firewalls

So, when it comes to protecting your IT investments— Don’t “hit the snooze button!”  Take action now and schedule a Security Assessment of your technology to learn how to best protect your business from cyber attacks.

Call your IT security experts today or drop us an email. We’ll provide the Managed Security Solutions you need to defeat today’s clever cyber thieves.

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