Urgent Notice: A Windows XP Risk Assessment and Migration Plan Must Be Your Top Priority!

Do you have systems running Windows XP in your workplace? If so, you must upgrade to a secure operating system or face a variety of security threats and vulnerabilities. On April 8th, 2014, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP. In addition, Microsoft will end support for Office 2003 on the same day. If you…

Windows XP Risk PlanDo you have systems running Windows XP in your workplace? If so, you must upgrade to a secure operating system or face a variety of security threats and vulnerabilities. On April 8th, 2014, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP. In addition, Microsoft will end support for Office 2003 on the same day. If you have systems running Windows XP or Office 2003, those systems will no longer receive updates, support, or bug fixes after the end of support date.

Migrate away from Windows XP and Office 2003 before the end of support date!

If you don’t migrate away from Windows XP and Office 2003, your systems will become extremely vulnerable to malware and viruses. Cybercriminals have been hoarding exploits until the end of support date, when vulnerabilities will significantly impact systems running Windows XP and Office 2003.

Planning to rely on firewalls and anti-virus software to keep your systems safe? Reconsider that plan. Firewalls and anti-virus software will not protect systems running Windows XP and Office 2003. While some organizations believe firewalls and anti-virus software will protect their systems, those organizations will suffer the consequences, including malware infections and data breaches.

Don’t ignore the warnings. If you want to avoid malware infections and data breaches, it’s critical to migrate away from Windows XP. For healthcare providers and financial institutions, migration should be a top priority. Otherwise, you will not be compliant with industry-specific regulations.

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Schedule Your Windows XP Risk Assessment and Migration Plan

Veltec Networks can provide a thorough risk assessment and migration plan to ensure a smooth migration process. Our risk assessment and migration plan will:

  • Thoroughly assess all security risks within your IT infrastructure.
  • Provide a detailed migration plan to address security risks.
  • Conduct a software/hardware audit to ensure compatibility.

To schedule a risk assessment and migration plan, give us a call at (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at info@veltecnetworks.com. Veltec Networks can help you secure your systems and maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations.

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