We Swear To Tell The Truth. IT Truisms From Law Firm IT Support Experts

There are just some things you can’t deny about technology today. We have many IT truisms to relay but we’ve chosen these three main ones to share with you. 1st Truism: Your data will be at risk if you store it in an on-premise server or hard drive without a business continuity or backup solution…

IT Services for Law FirmsThere are just some things you can’t deny about technology today. We have many IT truisms to relay but we’ve chosen these three main ones to share with you.

1st Truism: Your data will be at risk if you store it in an on-premise server or hard drive without a business continuity or backup solution in place.  Why?  Because if it becomes corrupted, damaged or lost you won’t be able to access or recover your data. Plus, if you store your data on laptops that can be stolen, you are also putting your data at riskWithout your data, your law firm can’t operate.  If data is stolen your reputation is ruined.

2nd Truism:  Your technology is at risk from from cyber criminals and companies that want to steal your clients’ confidential or proprietary data.  The quote below says it all:

“We live in a world where our national security is threatened by cyber terrorists, and where private enterprise is forced to respond to cyber theft of intellectual property on a daily basis.” — Laurel Bellows, 2012-2013 President of the American Bar Association

3rd Truism: You need the advice from San Jose IT Expert Veltec Networks. We take an oath to:

  • Ensure your data is securely and reliably backed up and available 24/7.
  • Design a customized data backup solution that complies with legal regulations.
  • Increase Your Security and Privacy. With our file encryption capabilities you can securely transfer and share files with your authorized users.
  • Restrict Access To Unauthorized Users and provide enhanced security for documents containing sensitive information.
  • Provide Flexibility and Business Continuity. Our virtual storage system allows your authorized employees to log into a secure IT environment online from any location or device, and at any time.

Count on an honest IT Partner who will always tell you the truth about your data security — Veltec Networks in San Jose. To learn more about our IT Truisms, or for a complimentary, no-obligation IT assessment, give us a call at (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at: info@veltecnetworks.com.

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