What’s New with iOS 9?

On September 16th, 2015, Apple released the highly anticipated new operating system. iOS9 is a sophisticated operating system available for all apple devices except for tablets after the first iPad and phones older then iPhone 4. The software has a lot of new promising features to make your experience more enjoyable.


So What’s New With iOS9?

  • iCloud Drive upgrades
  • Upgraded Maps complete with google map features
  • Notes sharing between devices
  • Upgraded News App to have all news in one location
  • Upgraded Siri
  • New Display for iPad
  • Longer Battery Life
  • Improved Security

Like all new operating systems, iOS9 also has a few glitches that still need to be worked out – and you must consider these before updating:

  • Increased data consumption
  • Screen freeze while upgrading
  • Faulty alarms

Work with an IT services company in San Jose that keeps you up-to-date and ahead of the latest advancements. Veltec Networks is here to manage all of your technology. Call (408) 849-4441 or send us an email at info@veltecnetworks.com.

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