Where can you turn for IT Security & Cloud Consulting in the Bay Area?


Veltec Networks makes it our mission to help your Bay Area business securely access cloud services.

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Concerned about cloud security?

If you are considering moving your Bay Area business to cloud services—managing who has access to what and securely protecting business information are major concerns. Veltec Networks will assist you in implementing required strategies both inside and outside your firewall to resolve any potential security challenges and access concerns with cloud-based services.

Moving towards cloud services confidently

The promise of reducing costs by paying for computing resources, software, and services as needed may be enticing to many businesses in the Bay Area. However, you may also hesitate to move your Bay Area business to these cloud services because of  potential cloud security issues. Veltec Networks makes it a priority to help you address these concerns so you can confidently enjoy the benefits of cloud services while still maintaining a secure business network.

Cloud security begins inside on your business network

The heart of any business cloud security strategy starts inside your business network. Without a secure internal network—you may be at risk. Veltec Networks ensures your corporate network is completely secured and employees have proper access to resources on your business network or in the cloud.

Effective cloud security involves your cloud service providers

Veltec Networks ensures your business is protected in the cloud. We ensure the providers of cloud services should also have your security in mind.  Veltec Networks gives cloud service vendors a complete security review and double-checks your agreements to make sure the security of your business information is top priority for all your third-party cloud service providers.

Looking for a Bay Area Cloud Security Expert to help your business move with confidence to the cloud?  Call Veltec Networks today at (408) 849-4441 or email us at info@veltecnetworks.com.  We are your cloud security experts in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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