Are You Safe From Ransomware? What About Your IT Company San Jose?

You’re only as secure as the company handling your IT security, right? If they’re vulnerable to cybercriminals, then aren’t you too? Ransomware is a serious threat to all businesses – you can’t just be thinking about your cybersecurity. You have to consider your San Jose IT company’s cybersecurity as well.

You Need To Know That Your IT Company In San Jose Is Safe From Ransomware

You hear about small businesses and massive enterprises getting hacked on nearly a daily basis. It’s regular news at this point, so you probably tune it out, right?

Ransomware is a big threat to businesses like yours….

As dangerous as ransomware is for you, unfortunately, your security isn’t all that matters….

Is Your IT company In San Jose A Target For Ransomware?

It’s especially dangerous when an IT company in San Jose gets hacked because they often have access to all their clients’ data. In effect, all their clients are hacked as well.

That’s precisely what happened when Colorado’s Complete Technology Solutions was recently infected with ransomware – all their clients, 100+ dentistry industry businesses, were infected as well. In the end, CTS had to pay a reported $700,000 ransom, but some of their clients were left to pay ransoms individually for their own files.

If it could happen to an IT company that works with that many clients, don’t you think it’s possible it could happen to your IT company in San Jose too?

Is Your IT Company In San Jose Secure?

You need to be confident that your IT company in San Jose can protect you, as well as themselves. If you’re at all unsure, then do your due diligence and inquire about their security standards and practices.

Ask how they are protected from ransomware – what makes them different from other IT companies that have been hacked?

How Can You Protect Yourself From Ransomware?

To start, you have to make sure you’re secure:

  1. Have your data backed up, to a separate location, on a regular basis. By storing a complete and up to date copy of your data that’s separate from your local systems, it doesn’t matter if your onsite data gets encrypted by ransomware.
  2. Confirm that anti-malware and antivirus settings are deployed to automate all updates and to continually conduct system and device scans.
  3. Train your staff to ask themselves these key questions before opening an email:
  • Do I know the sender of this email?
  • Can I verify that the attached link or PDF is safe?
  • Does anything seem “off” about this email, its contents or the sender?

But it doesn’t end there – cybersecurity isn’t something you can just let slide. Third-parties involved with your business – either directly, or in concert with your IT company in San Jose — are a part of your supply chain. How they perform affects how you perform. If you truly have your success in mind, you need to manage your third parties effectively – or your IT company in San Jose should be doing it for you.

If you’re not sure, then ask for help – Veltec Networks will help implement robust security measures, deploying security devices like firewalls, patching, antivirus software updates, intrusion and gateway protection, to name a few.

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