Let’s Get Started On Your 2020 Technology Plan

Have you started your 2020 technology plan? With only weeks until 2020, find out how to get started and create a plan to meet both technology & business goals

2020 Technology Plan: Time to Get Started

Have you started your 2020 technology plan? With only weeks until 2020, find out how to get started and create a plan to meet both technology & business goals  

Is 2020 really just weeks away? Have you begun your 2020 technology plan? The sooner you begin, the more successful it will be.

New Year’s Resolutions are the butt of the joke nowadays. How often do we tell ourselves this will be the year we actually focus on ‘X’? We’ll create a plan. We’ll follow through—this time.

Be that as it may, when February moves around, that perfect plan has fallen by the wayside— not to mention those goals we’d set for ourselves. Lack of planning and follow-through occurs in our personal lives. And despite our focus on meeting business goals, it happens there as well.

While we can’t guarantee that 2020 will be the year you, at last, keep your own goals, we can undoubtedly ensure you keep your IT goals. In other words, if you dig in now with 2020 technology planning, you can get it done this year.

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Technology Planning: Most Businesses Are Just So Bad At It

According to Gartner, in 2019, businesses will spend nearly four trillion dollars on technology worldwide. 93% of studied organizations see IT as vital to their success (Wakefield Research); yet, many fail to plan.

  • 66% believe their IT budget is just too small to meet today’s technology demands
  • 77% of SMBs (<100 workers) have discovered that, in most cases, they’re right.
  • 33% of survey respondents said that less than one in 10 of their strategic planning meetings involved IT

But you can turn this ship around and sail into a brighter future with the right plan.

Developing 2020 Technology Goals

When executed correctly, your 2020 Technology Plan will help you accomplish these critical goals:

  • Unify sales, marketing and operations to meet common business goals
  • Root out wastefulness in operations for which IT can bring efficiency
  • Clarify what your IT expenses really are to enhance planning. That includes budgeting for innovation.

Why You Need to Create a 2020 IT Budget Now

In the olden days, the IT budget just meant buying some new computers. But today, technology is integral. It impacts everything we do. To thrive in an increasingly technology-integrated world, businesses must be forward-thinking and invest in the best solutions for today and the future.

And don’t forget, IT planning must align with— and help you achieve — business goals. Strong IT planning will help you establish a framework for success, whatever comes your way. It can:

  • Enhance business development and growth
  • Increase efficiency and employee productivity while cutting costs
  • Put operational difficulties in their place
  • Optimize teamwork and communication
  • What’s more, remain secured against cyber threats!

Plan For 2020 with Us

2020 Technology Planning doesn’t need to be daunting. Our group helps you develop a powerful and practical IT plan. We ensure you’re getting the most out of your financial resources with solutions that are right for you. And through it, we help you meet and, in many cases, exceed your goals, taking you to the next level and beyond.

Proper IT planning will deliver a wide range of advantages regardless of your industry. Here are just a few:

  • Expanded efficiency
  • Less downtime and fewer interruptions
  • Advanced cybersecurity, as well as building security
  • Improved prioritization and management of resources
  • Better communication throughout the company
  • The highest possible ROI for your IT budget

Remember, IT planning is an ongoing process, not a one-time investment. We can work closely with you, giving you continuous direction, strategic support and top-notch service.

Find this article helpful? Schedule a complimentary 2020 Technology Plan Assessment.

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