A Leading Venture Capital Firm in the Bay Area Trusts Veltec Networks to Help Them Leverage the Cloud with Microsoft Office 365! 

In today’s day and age, every business has heard about cloud computing and the potential offered through leveraging the cloud. In fact, every business is already using the cloud in one or more ways – from their favorite social media platform to their preferred file storage solution – the cloud is everywhere in our personal and professional lives. It’s integrated into our day-to-day activities more than most of us realize. For modern, 21st century businesses, it’s vital to staying ahead in an increasingly competitive marketplace.  

In today’s day and age, every business has heard about cloud computing and the potential offered through leveraging the cloud. In fact, every business is already using the cloud in one or more ways – from their favorite social media platform to their preferred file storage solution – the cloud is everywhere in our personal and professional lives. It’s integrated into our day-to-day activities more than most of us realize. For modern, 21st century businesses, it’s vital to staying ahead in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

The cloud essentially enables us to access our systems and data over the Internet, as opposed to having everything stored locally on our computer’s hard drive. Before the world became so incredibly connected and digital, businesses could get away with relying on on-premises equipment. Nowadays, businesses leverage the cloud to save tons of money and time in terms of purchasing, implementing, and supporting on-premises equipment. The cloud is truly a game-changer for businesses of all types and sizes!

Bay Ventures Ltd. is no different. As a venture capital firm in the Bay Area, Bay Ventures Ltd. knows a thing or two about staying competitive in an increasingly connected and digital environment. They provide financing to high tech industrial and biomedical businesses with huge growth potential. In fact, they’ve helped a staggering 250 companies go from start-up to liquidity – resulting in over $1 billion in exit returns. Pretty amazing, huh?

You can read more about them here. They’re a fantastic venture capital firm (and one of the first venture capital firms established in Silicon Valley) with a breadth of industry knowledge and expertise. They’re truly a great firm in terms of their ability to help companies grow and achieve market leadership!

When Bay Ventures Ltd. Needed an IT Services Company in San Jose, Veltec Networks Was the Obvious Choice!

Bay Ventures Ltd. trusts Veltec Networks for all of their information technology needs – from relocating to a smaller office to set up an Internet connection to taking care of existing computers. Bay Ventures Ltd. was leveraging Microsoft Office 365, a suite of productivity tools, with another provider but they were feeling overcharged.  They decided to switch to Veltec Networks – allowing them to bundle Microsoft Office 365 with various other cloud solutions, including:

  • Cloud-Based Backup: Their servers, applications, workstations, and critical documents are all backed up in the cloud with the ability to restore within minutes of any disaster. This acts as an incredible last line of defense within their security strategy.
  • Cloud-Based Anti-Virus Software: Their network is completely protected with anti-virus software that runs on a regular basis to anticipate, detect, and take action against even the newest threats attempting to infiltrate the network and steal sensitive information.
  • Cloud-Based Backup for Microsoft Office 365: Their contacts, calendar, emails, and more are all backed up and sent to the cloud for any time, anywhere accessibility and simplified recovery when needed. This keeps them in constant contact with their customers, partners, and others.

Microsoft Office 365 Helps Bay Ventures Ltd. Stay Productive All the Time with any time, Anywhere Access!

Microsoft Office 365, an online suite of productivity tools, helps Bay Ventures Ltd. stay productive all the time with any time, anywhere access for their entire team. They’re able to rest assured knowing they’re paying much less than their previous provider while still ensuring access to the following:

  • Excel
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • OneNote
  • Outlook
  • Publisher
  • Access
  • OneDrive

These tools help them stay productive, collaborate efficiently, and above all, stay ahead of the competition with reliable communication at all times. Microsoft Office 365 is much more than just a set of tools, it’s an innovative method of working together to achieve end goals of all types. All they need is an Internet connection and they’re good to go!

Microsoft Office 365 brings this venture capital firm a multitude of features that benefit them in many ways, including:

  • Always up-to-date features as they’re applied as soon as they’re released at no additional cost.
  • Enhanced collaboration between employees as accessing information is simple from any device or location.
  • Around-the-clock support that’s available as needed for any issue that requires help via phone or online.
  • Greater protection against threats of all kinds with enterprise-grade security and compliance measures that keep them safe.
  • Flexible, predictable monthly fees instead of high, unexpected upfront costs to fit their budget.
  • No maintenance necessary as updates are applied as soon as they become available so there’s no need to worry.
  • Simplified growth with the ability to add or remove storage space, users, and other options whenever needed.
  • Quick recovery in the event of disaster as employees can quickly recover information or work in another location during onsite disasters.

Microsoft Office 365 Can Help You the Way It’s Helped Bay Ventures Ltd. Veltec Networks Is Here to Make Migration Simple and Painless!

Veltec Networks is here to help you migrate to Microsoft Office 365 without spending a ton of time, money, or effort on the process. We offer a variety of cloud solutions, including Microsoft Office 365. We also provide managed IT services wherein we handle all of your information technology needs for a flat-rate monthly fee.

How do you know if Microsoft Office 365 is the right choice for you? Here are a few key signs:

  • You’re ready to expand your business geographically but the money, time, or effort required for infrastructure setup is holding you back.
  • You’re looking to reduce operational costs without impacting the way your staff members are able to work together or collaborate.
  • You’re worried about disasters (such as natural disasters, power outages, or cyber-attacks) taking you down.
  • You’re tired of paying huge upfront costs when it comes to on-premises equipment and wants to switch to a pay-as-you-go model.
  • You’re looking to enable employees to work remotely from home or while they’re on vacation.
  • You’re in need of a simple, painless way to increase or decrease storage and/or users as needed.
  • You’re nervous about cyber-attacks because you’re fairly certain your staff members don’t apply cumbersome software updates when they need to.

If anything mentioned above seems familiar to you, you’re probably more in need of the cloud than you realized. Microsoft Office 365 is a simple way to resolve all of the challenges and needs listed above. More often than not, businesses realize a HUGE change for the better in the way they operate after migrating.

Imagine giving your team the ability to collaborate from wherever they’re located, on whichever device they’re using, without spending tons of money on a complex solution. Microsoft Office 365 is the way to go for modern businesses that need to stay agile and competitive.

Read more great articles like this one. Click here to check out our blog! Veltec Networks is here to help you migrate to Microsoft Office 365. We’re the leading IT services company in San Jose and throughout the Bay Area. Call us at (408) 849-4441 or email us at info@veltecnetworks.com now.

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