How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

Google has managed to become a secure search engine over the past few months. In fact, Google encrypts all search data, which means website owners are denied access to keyword data that drives organic traffic towards their website. In order to access keyword data, website owners are required to run a paid AdWords campaign. Recently,...

Duleep Pillai
November 19, 2013
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How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

How To Reduce Your Energy Consumption, and Save Money

Most organizations are aware of how much energy their IT infrastructure consumes, but there are a few not-so-obvious ways to save energy, cut costs, and reduce your overall carbon footprint. Switch to Flat-Panel Monitors Using flat-panel monitors over CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors can significantly reduce energy costs.  Georgetown University’s IT Department replaced its CRT monitors...

Duleep Pillai
November 18, 2013
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How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

Minimizing the Damage Incurred by a CryptoLocker Infection

CryptoLocker is the latest and most damaging ransomware, encrypting the user’s files using asymmetric encryption, which involves a public key and a private key. The public key simply encrypts the data, while the private key is required for decryption. The attacker offers the private key to users’ who pay the $300 ransom fee within the...

Duleep Pillai
November 14, 2013
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How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

The Complicated Migration Process from Microsoft Exchange 2003 to Office 365

When an organization was ready to migrate to Office 365 from Microsoft Exchange 2003, the process became confusing and difficult when the organization received conflicting opinions from their license provider for Office 365 and the existing on-premise technician. The existing on-premise technician suggested the organization perform an active directory sync, in order to migrate all...

Duleep Pillai
November 13, 2013
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How Does Encrypted Google Searches Impact Your Business SEO Rankings?

What Every Business Must Know About Section 179 of the IRS Tax Code

Section 179 of the IRS tax code was designed as part of the U.S. government’s incentive to encourage businesses to purchase equipment and invest in their business. Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the entire purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software financed or purchased during the tax year. Section 179 doesn’t increase the amount...

Duleep Pillai
November 12, 2013
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