Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

Multitasking is the name of the game in almost any computer based career. Most of us discovered the Alt+Tab shortcut which switches you from one application in Windows to the next early on. [If you did not know – bonus tip!] But, one often under looked need is the ability to simply minimize all applications...

Duleep Pillai
October 7, 2013
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Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

Quickly tell the story with Excel Sparklines

Excel 2010 has a new feature called a sparkline, which is a micro chart within in a single cell.  In previous Excel versions, when a user wanted to show a chart, it was usually a fairly large chart on its own sheet or a section of a sheet.    Excel 2010’s sparklines are very different.  They...

Duleep Pillai
October 7, 2013
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Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

The Importance of Information Technology in the Retail Sector

With the increasing globalization of retailing, both in terms of their points-of-sale and their points-of-supply; the information technology (IT) spend in the retail sector has increased significantly. IT plays an increasingly important role in the management of complex retail operations. Market knowledge, as well as control of data and information, is key to obtaining a...

Duleep Pillai
October 4, 2013
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Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

Fulfilling the Priorities of an Architectural Firm Through the Use of Information Technology

The architectural and engineering services industry is compiled of establishments primarily engaged in the process of providing architectural, engineering, and related services such as structure design, building inspection, drafting, landscape design, surveying mapping, and laboratory and onsite testing. The architectural industry has made significant gains in sales and employment since the mid-1990s. In fact, the...

Duleep Pillai
October 3, 2013
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Quick Windows Tip for Switching Focus with Your Keyboard

IT For Architectural Firms – Is Your IT Professional Up To Speed With?

Outsourcing IT allows architectural firms the ability to utilize state-of-the-art technologies and technical skills that would otherwise be unavailable without an outsourced IT provider. When an architectural firm outsources their IT support, it’s able to advance the internal collaboration process of design, from schematic to final drawings. Architectural firms face unique information technology challenges, including...

Duleep Pillai
October 2, 2013
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