Considerations When Text Messaging In Your Medical Practice

Considerations When Text Messaging In Your Medical Practice

As communication portals rapidly grow, text messaging proves to be a faster means of send and receive mechanism for physician-patient correspondence. Physicians are finding text messaging more convenient and efficient than emails when communicating with their patients and colleagues. As communication portals rapidly grow, text messaging proves to be a faster means of send and...

Duleep Pillai
July 8, 2014
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Considerations When Text Messaging In Your Medical Practice

Our Network Security and IT Experts Keep A Watchful Eye On Your Technology

Network Monitoring is an essential service for any business with an online presence.  When your IT goes down, your business’s productivity and reputation suffer.  Network Monitoring by Veltec Networks keeps a watchful eye on your technology, and can actually prevent downtimes from occurring. It provides the reliability, productivity and security you need to run your business and...

Duleep Pillai
June 27, 2014
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Considerations When Text Messaging In Your Medical Practice

The “Smartphone Anti-Theft Voluntary Commitment” is the CTIA and its member companies’ vision to help law enforcement resolve stolen phone problems

Smartphones and gadgets today cease to be just tools for communication. They evolved from luxury, to need, to something most people can’t live without. With the amount of information we store in them, what will happen if they get lost? Or perhaps stolen? The CTIA and its member companies have been working since last year...

Duleep Pillai
June 26, 2014
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Considerations When Text Messaging In Your Medical Practice

Mac OS X Yosemite: The advanced features of OS X Yosemite make it an ideal integration for small businesses to eliminate manual routine tasks, and organize more resourcefully

Just this month, Apple gave us a sneak peek into what would be the new version of the Mac operating system, OS X Yosemite. The new OS features an overhaul of the operating system with spotlight focus on UI enhancements and app by app refinement. With the advanced features of OS X Yosemite, it is...

Duleep Pillai
June 24, 2014
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